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5 Killed in Lodi collision by Speeding Driver on Cell Phone

5 people - including a pregnant woman and her unborn child and another young child, were killed early yesterday morning in a head-on collision at the intersection of Vine Street and Ham Lane in Lodi. According to witnesses a SUV was speeding along and its driver was on his cell phone, when he ran through the intersection. Up to 12 people were injured and, according to a report on the website, a number of children were ejected from vehicles.

This tragedy raises a few important points:

  1. Talking on a cell phone whil driving is distracting, which is dangerous. Distracted drivers are dangerous drivers. Pay attention to the road, not to your phone.
  2. Kids must always be belted in (it is not clear that they kids here were or were not belted)
  3. Driving is the most dangerous thing we do on a regular basis - slow down and get there in one piece!

Pete Clancy is an Oakland personal injury lawyer.