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Some Personal Injury Basics

I spoke with a lady today, and the conversation reminded me that most people have never had a personal injury claim and may not know some things that personal injury attorneys consider to be very "basic." So here are some basics of what you should and should not do. This list is not exhaustive, and an experienced personal injury lawyer should be able to provide much more detailed information. But here it goes:

Personal Injury DO's and DO NOt's

After a car accident, you will be presented with a lot of choices. Do you go to the doctor? Do you take time off of work? Do you keep all of your receipts? Should you hire an attorney?
Here are some basic DO's and DO NOT's:

  • DO talk with a personal injury attorney. According to an Insurance Research Council study, cases where an attorney is representing the plaintiff typically resolve for 3.5x as much as other cases.
  • DO seek medical treatment if you think you are injured. Nothing is more important than your health.
  • DO follow your medical provider's orders.
  • DO take photos of your injuries and keep a log of how you are feeling day-to-day.
  • DO NOT give a recorded statement to anyone without first speaking with an attorney.
  • DO NOT sign any papers from any insurance company without first speaking with an attorney.
  • DO NOT allow the other insurance company to access your records.

Pete Clancy is a personal injury attorney in Oakland. He can be reached at 925-835-7500 or through his website.